Ag Clárú don Scoilbhliain 2025-26 - Registration for 2025-26 School Year

Beimid ag clárú do Naíonáin Bheaga 2025-26 ón 1ú Deireadh Fómhair 2024. Tá na sonraí ar fad ar fáil anseo. Téigh go bun an leathanach agus brú "Cláraigh Anseo". Beidh cóipeanna crua ar fáil den fhoirm ar fáil ón oifig freisin ó 10r.n. Faraor, níl aon áit ar fáil faoi láthair sa rang uathachas don bhliain seo chugainn.
Registration for our Naíonáin Bheaga (Junior Infants) class for 2025-26 from the 1st October 2024. The details are all available here. Go to the bottom of the page and click "Cláraigh Anseo," to get the application form. Hard copies of the form will also be available from the office from tomorrow at 10am. Unfortunately, there are currently no places available in the autism class for 2025-26.
Registration for our Naíonáin Bheaga (Junior Infants) class for 2025-26 from the 1st October 2024. The details are all available here. Go to the bottom of the page and click "Cláraigh Anseo," to get the application form. Hard copies of the form will also be available from the office from tomorrow at 10am. Unfortunately, there are currently no places available in the autism class for 2025-26.
Fáilte Ar Ais!28 Lúnasa, 2024
Is cúis mhór áthais dúinn a bheith ag cur fáilte ar ais roimh ár bpáistí iontacha agus fáilte a chur roimh na naíonáin nua. Tá súil againn go mbeidh bliain sona agus sábháilte ag gach dalta, lán le foghlaim agus spraoi! It gives us great joy to welcome back our wonderful students and to welcome our new class of Junior Infants. We hope that everyone has a happy and safe school year, full of learning and fun! Slán le Rang 6
26 Meitheamh, 2024
Rinneamar céiliúradh ar dhaltaí Rang a 6 i halla na scoile inniu leis an ócáid Slán le Rang 6. Guímid gach rath orthu agus iad ag bogadh ar aghaidh go dtí an meánscoil i mí Mhéan Fomhair. Féach thíos ar thaispeántas sleamhnán de na daltaí thar na blianta. Clárú Naíonáin Bheaga 2024-25
An Chéad Chomaoineach
Comártas Postaer Tinreamh/Attendance Poster CompetitionBuíochas le gach páiste a chur isteach postaer don chomártas postaer tinreamh. Bhí an bua iomlán ag Nayara i rang 5A agus Charlie i rang 2A. Seolfar a bpostaeir ar aghaidh chuig an chomártas náisiúnta. Bhí sé an deacair buaiteoirí a roghnú, seo a leanas na daoine a bhí ar an ngearrliosta (in éineacht leis na buaiteoirí)...
Thanks to every child to entered a poster for the attendance poster competition. The overall winners were Nayara in rang 5A and Charlie in rang 2A. Their posters will be sent onto the national poster competition. It was very difficult to choose winners; here are the people who were shortlisted (along with the winners)... |
Boinéid na Cásca/
Teacht an Earraigh
Seachtain na hEolaíochta 2023
Cuirimid fáilte roimh iarratais do Naíonáin Bheaga don scoilbhliain 2024-25 ón Domhnach 1 Deireadh Fómhair. Is féidir teacht ar breis eolais agus an foirm um ligean isteach anseo. Beidh cóipeanna crua ar fáil den foirm ó oifig an rúnaí ón Luan ar aghaidh. Má tá deacracht agat leis an bhfoirm, cuir teachtaireacht chuig Múinteoir Ailbhe ar 085 860 3363.
We welcome applications for Junior Infants for the school year 2024-25 from Sunday 1st October. Further information and the application form can be found here. Hard copies of the form will be available from the secretary's office from Monday. If you are having issues with the form, please send a message to Múinteoir Ailbhe on 085 860 3363. |
Slán le Rang a 6
Lá Glantacháin
Boinéid na Cásca
Ceolchoirm le John Spillane
Ceolchoirmeacha na Nollag/ Christmas Concerts 2022
Seachtain na Mata
Rinneamar Seachtain na Mata a cheiliúradh ar scoil. Bhí an-chuid gníomhaíochtaí, cluichí agus dúshláin mata ar siúl agus bhain pobal na scoile an-sásamh as. Is féidir cuid de na gníomhaíochtaí a fheiceáil sna grianghraif thíos.
We celebrated Maths Week in school. The students took part in numerous maths activities, games and challenges and the whole school really enjoyed it. Have a look at some of the maths activities below:
We celebrated Maths Week in school. The students took part in numerous maths activities, games and challenges and the whole school really enjoyed it. Have a look at some of the maths activities below:
Tá an fómhar buailte linn!
Duilleoga deasa deasa, Duilleoga deasa buí; Duilleoga deasa deasa, Ag damhsa ar an gcraobh.
Duilleoga deasa deasa, Duilleoga deasa buí; Duilleoga deasa deasa, Ag imeacht leis an ngaoth.
Duilleoga deasa deasa, Duilleoga deasa buí; Duilleoga deasa deasa, Ar thalamh ina luí
Fáilte romhat ar ais ar scoil!
Nuacht GSUE
Sábháilteacht ar Líne/Online Safety
Tugann na físeán seo comhairle agus tacaíocht dúinn maidir le sábháilteacht ar líne do dhaoine óga
These videos provide advice and support in relation to online safety for young people
These videos provide advice and support in relation to online safety for young people
“Start the conversation”
Parents start talking with your children about online safety, early in their online life. |
“Agree limits”
Parents can download a family agreement template and learn about the importance of setting limits to online time. |
“Be informed”
It is important for parents to keep themselves informed about the online world, and this video provides some tips for helping parents stay up to date. |
“How much time was I online today? “
Parents can set positive examples regarding online activity to their children through their own online lives. |
“Parents share and learn”
The support of parent to parent peer support is fantastic, and this video encourages parents to link in with each other to provide that support network. |
Gaelscoil Uí Earcáin,
Bóthar Ghlas an Éin, Fionnghlas Thoir, Baile Átha Cliath, D11 VP44. |
Fón: 01- 8643544
Facs: 01- 8643541 Ríomhphost: [email protected] twitter:gsuiearcain Uimhir Cláraithe Charthanachta: 20117993 |