Ceol agus fís chun tacú a thabhiart duit maidir le do fholláine féin. Tá nascanna anseo freisin. Bainígí triail astu!
Positivity Rocks!!
1. Faigh cloch 2. Déan píosa ealaín dearfach ar an gcloch 3. Fág é áit go bhfuil daoine eile in ann é a fhéiceáil!! |
Gach Déardaoin, bíonn gníomhaíochtaí seolta amach tríd Aladdin ó Honor. Tá siad go hiontach agus tá súil againn go bhfuil siad cabhrach. Seo roinnt rudaí a bhí seolta go dtí seo. déan seic ar an Déardaoin don ríomphost le gníomhaíochtaí nua.
Every Thursday activities are sent out by email on Aladdin from Honor to practice Mindfulness at home. They are excellent and we hope they are helpful. Here are some of the things sent up until now. Have a look on Thursday for this week's activities.
Every Thursday activities are sent out by email on Aladdin from Honor to practice Mindfulness at home. They are excellent and we hope they are helpful. Here are some of the things sent up until now. Have a look on Thursday for this week's activities.
Folláine le Honor:
Follow the link to hear Honor's top tips on mindfulness and good mental health
Follow the link to hear Honor's top tips on mindfulness and good mental health
Rang 5 agus 6
Lógáil isteach are .b agus bain triail as na gníomhaíochtaí
.B login information available on Aladdin
Lógáil isteach are .b agus bain triail as na gníomhaíochtaí
.B login information available on Aladdin
Breathing Techniques (Gach rang!):
Déan clic ar an iomhá chun an gníomhaíócht a dhéanamh!/Clic on the image to do the activity!
Fish Breathing