Sabháilteacht ar Líne/Online Safety
Tugann na físeán seo comhairle agus tacaíocht dúinn maidir le sábháilteacht ar líne do dhaoine óga
These videos provide advice and support in relation to online safety for young people
These videos provide advice and support in relation to online safety for young people
Comhairle do thuismitheoirí maidir le sábháilteacht ar líne/ Advice for parents in relation to online safety
1. Cuir teorannú aois i bhfeidhm. Set age restrictions.
• Cuimhnigh gurb é 13 an íosteorainn aoise d’fhormhór na n-ardán meán sóisialta.
2. Cuir rialacha le chéile maidir leis an t-idirlíon. Put rules in place together in relation to internet-use.
6. Labhair le do pháiste go rialta faoi a bheith ar líne agus dean do taighde féin faoi cluichí, aipeanna agus an t-idirlíon. Talk to your child regularly about being online and do your own research about games, apps and the internet.
• Cuimhnigh gurb é 13 an íosteorainn aoise d’fhormhór na n-ardán meán sóisialta.
- Remember that the minimum age limit for most social media platforms is 13.
2. Cuir rialacha le chéile maidir leis an t-idirlíon. Put rules in place together in relation to internet-use.
- Plé cathain agus cén fhad gur féidir le do pháiste an idirlín a úsáid. Discuss when and how long it is acceptable for your child to use the internet.
- Aontaigh conas eolas pearsanta a úsáid (ainm, seoladh, srl.) Agree how to use personal information (name, address, telephone, email)
- Plé conas tú féin a iompar le daoine eile i dtreo, cearrbhacha, ríomhphoist, teachtaireachtaí srl. Discuss how to behave towards others when gaming, e-mailing, messaging (THINK: Is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind?)
- Aontaigh cad iad an suíomhanna oiriúnach don chlann. Agree what types of apps/sites are OK or not OK for your family
- Gan gléasanna a úsáid roimh am leapa. Gan gléasanna a thbahairt go dtí an seomra leapa. No devices/internet before bedtime. Devices to be left out of the bedroom when going to bed.
- Plé conas tú féin a iompar le daoine eile i dtreo, cearrbhacha, ríomhphoist, teachtaireachtaí srl. Discuss how to behave towards others when gaming, e-mailing, messaging (THINK: Is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind?)
- Cinntigh, agus do pháistí ag úsáid aipeanna mar Zoom agus House Party chun teagmháil a dhéanamh le cairde, go dtuigeann siad conas iad a úsáid go sábháilte. With children using apps such as Zoom and House Party to stay in touch with their friends please ensure your child understands how to use these apps safely.
- Mínigh gur cheart dóibh a bheith gléasta go cuí agus iad ar líne. Explain the importance of them being appropriately dressed e.g. no pyjamas when online.
- Cinntigh go dtuigeann siad gur féidir an físeán a chasadh de, an mic a mhúchadh, agus a bhieth i seomra poiblí sa teach. Ensure they understand they have the option to turn the video off, that they can mute their microphone and should only conduct video calling in a public room (e.g. no bedrooms).
- Tá sé tábhachtach go bhfuil páistí faoi chúram tuismitheoir/caomhnóir nair ata an aip in úsáid acu.It is important for children to remain under the supervision of their parents/guardians when using these apps
- Bí eolach gur féidir leis na h-aipeanna ar fad a bheith ar na fóin póca agus go dtugann seo eolas maidir le gluaiseachtaí agus láthair an úsáideora. Be aware that most social media platforms have an “app” format for use on phones and this often gives information about the user’s location and movements.
- Mínigh nach chun cur isteach ar a bphríomháideacht a lorgaíonn tú ainm agus pasfhocail ach ar mhaithe lena sábháilteacht. Explain that knowing their usernames and passwords is not to invade their privacy, but so you have a way of checking if there are any problems
- Cinntigh go bhfuil fhios ag do pháiste conas duine a bhlocáil agus cad a dhéanann siad mura bhfuil siad compórdach nó míshona, nó mar fheiceann siad íomha nach bhfuil oiriúnach.Make sure your child knows how to block people and what to do if something makes them unhappy or uncomfortable, or if they see an image that is not appropriate.
6. Labhair le do pháiste go rialta faoi a bheith ar líne agus dean do taighde féin faoi cluichí, aipeanna agus an t-idirlíon. Talk to your child regularly about being online and do your own research about games, apps and the internet.
- Labhair faoi na meáin shóisialta agus gníomhaíochta do pháistí i mbealach muiníneach agus neamhbhreithiúnach. Keep talking about social media and your child’s activities in a trusting and non-judgemental way.
- Fan i dteagmháil le suíomhanna go bhfuil móréileamh ortha ag daoine óga fiú mura bhfuil tú féin a n-úsáid. Cuimhnigh gur féidir le suíomhanna athrú agus forbairt.Stay in touch with the social media sites that are currently popular with young people, even if you don’t use them yourself. Stay up to date with how the popular sites change and develop.
- No devices/internet before bedtime. Devices to be left out of the bedroom when going to bed.
Seo roinnt eolais a bhí againn lasmuigh den oifig maidir le sabháilteacht ar líne/ These are the PDF versions of the information we have on our online safety display beside the school office: