Frásaí Úsáideacha / Useful Phrases

Tá súil againn go mbíonn deis agaibh labhairt i nGaeilge sa bhaile ó am go ham. Bain triail as na frásaí agus na focail thíos a úsáid le do pháiste nó do pháistí sa bhaile.
We hope you get a chance to speak in Irish at home from time to time. Why not try using the phrases below when speaking with your child/children at home.
Ag déanamh obair bhaile / Doing homework
An bhfuil d’obair bhaile críochnaithe agat? (Are you finished your homework?)
Is féidir leat spraoi nuair atá an obair bhaile críochnaithe. (You can play when the homework is finished).
An bhfuil a lán obair bhaile agat? (Do you have a lot of homework?)
An bhfuil cabhair ag teastáil uait? (Would you like some help?)
Cá bhfuil do dhialann/do mhála scoile/do chóta/do bhosca lóin/do dheoch/do chóipleabhar/do pheann luaidhe/do leabhar?
Where is your diary/your school bag/your coat/your lunch box/your drink/your copy/your pencil/your book?
Na hÁbhair scoile / School Subjects
Gaeilge (Irish), Béarla (Irish), Matamaitic (Mathematics), Drámaíocht (Drama), na hAmharcealaíona (Visual Arts), Ceol (Music), Stair (History), Tíreolaíocht (Geography), Eolaíocht (Science), Corpoideachas (Physical Education), Teagasc Críostaí (Religion), Oideachas Sóisialta Pearsanta agus Sláinte (Social Personal and Health Education)
Ag ithe / Eating
Ith suas do dhinnéar (eat up your dinner)
Glan suas i do dhiaidh, le do thoil (clean up after yourself please)
Ar mhaith leat tuilleadh? (would you like some more?)
Ag súgradh / Playing
Tar isteach (Come in).
Téigh amach ag spraoi (Go out to play).
Fanaigí le chéile (stay together).
Bí cúramach ar an mbóthar (be careful on the road).
Cur ort do chóta (put your coat on).
Déan deifir (hurry up).
An aimsir / The Weather
Tá an lá go hálainn (it’s a lovely day).
Tá sé grianmhar (sunny), scamallach (cloudy), gaofar (windy), fuar (cold).
Tá cuma báistí air (It looks like rain).
Éadaí / Clothes
Cur ort d’éide scoile.
Put on your school uniform.
Bain díot do gheansaí.
Take off your jumper.
Cá bhfuil do charbhat?
Where is your tie?
Éadaí eile
Léine (shirt), T-léine (t-shirt), blús (blouse), carbhat (tie), gúna (dress), bróga (shoes), buataisí (boots), casóg/seaicéad (jacket).
An Teaghlach The family/household
Deartháir - brother
Deirfiúr - sister
Aintín - aunt
Uncail – uncle
Cousin – col ceathrar
Cé mhéad deartháir/deirfiúr atá agat?
How many brothers/sisters do you have?
We hope you get a chance to speak in Irish at home from time to time. Why not try using the phrases below when speaking with your child/children at home.
Ag déanamh obair bhaile / Doing homework
An bhfuil d’obair bhaile críochnaithe agat? (Are you finished your homework?)
Is féidir leat spraoi nuair atá an obair bhaile críochnaithe. (You can play when the homework is finished).
An bhfuil a lán obair bhaile agat? (Do you have a lot of homework?)
An bhfuil cabhair ag teastáil uait? (Would you like some help?)
Cá bhfuil do dhialann/do mhála scoile/do chóta/do bhosca lóin/do dheoch/do chóipleabhar/do pheann luaidhe/do leabhar?
Where is your diary/your school bag/your coat/your lunch box/your drink/your copy/your pencil/your book?
Na hÁbhair scoile / School Subjects
Gaeilge (Irish), Béarla (Irish), Matamaitic (Mathematics), Drámaíocht (Drama), na hAmharcealaíona (Visual Arts), Ceol (Music), Stair (History), Tíreolaíocht (Geography), Eolaíocht (Science), Corpoideachas (Physical Education), Teagasc Críostaí (Religion), Oideachas Sóisialta Pearsanta agus Sláinte (Social Personal and Health Education)
Ag ithe / Eating
Ith suas do dhinnéar (eat up your dinner)
Glan suas i do dhiaidh, le do thoil (clean up after yourself please)
Ar mhaith leat tuilleadh? (would you like some more?)
Ag súgradh / Playing
Tar isteach (Come in).
Téigh amach ag spraoi (Go out to play).
Fanaigí le chéile (stay together).
Bí cúramach ar an mbóthar (be careful on the road).
Cur ort do chóta (put your coat on).
Déan deifir (hurry up).
An aimsir / The Weather
Tá an lá go hálainn (it’s a lovely day).
Tá sé grianmhar (sunny), scamallach (cloudy), gaofar (windy), fuar (cold).
Tá cuma báistí air (It looks like rain).
Éadaí / Clothes
Cur ort d’éide scoile.
Put on your school uniform.
Bain díot do gheansaí.
Take off your jumper.
Cá bhfuil do charbhat?
Where is your tie?
Éadaí eile
Léine (shirt), T-léine (t-shirt), blús (blouse), carbhat (tie), gúna (dress), bróga (shoes), buataisí (boots), casóg/seaicéad (jacket).
An Teaghlach The family/household
Deartháir - brother
Deirfiúr - sister
Aintín - aunt
Uncail – uncle
Cousin – col ceathrar
Cé mhéad deartháir/deirfiúr atá agat?
How many brothers/sisters do you have?