A thuismitheoirí/caomhnóirí,
Gaelscoil Uí Earcáin opened their doors in the 2005/2006 school year. As part of the Junior Entrepreneur Project from 6th class they have decided to commemorate the 10th anniversary by designing time capsules which are for sale from the school. Each person /child will have a chance to buy their own personal Time capsule box, which they can customise and fill up with any items they wish such as pictures, drawings, letters, artefacts etc. The capsule will then be returned to the school and sealed in a special box until Christmas 2021. This will be a great opportunity to store away memories from the present day and reminisce when your child will be in a higher class or even moved onto secondary school. If you would like to participate and buy your own time capsule, please attach €6 into the yellow money pocket provided and return it to the school before Wednesday 9th March 2016. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tá Gaelscoil Uí Earcáin ar an bhfód anois le deich mbliana anuas. D’oscail Gaelscoil Uí Earcáin a cuid doirse go hoifigiúil don scoilbhliain 2005/2006. Mar pháirt don chlár Junior Entrepreneur atá a dhéanamh ag rang a 6, tá siad ag iarraidh smaointe ó gach pháiste a chuir isteach i Time Capsule speisialta. Beidh siad seo le díol sa scoil. Beidh sheans ag gach pháiste bosca a cheannach agus an bhosca a líonadh le rudaí ar nós pictiúir, ealaín, litreacha agus ornáidí speisialta. Tabharfaidh sibh an bhosca ar ais don scoil ansin agus cuirfidh muid i stóras na boscaí go dtí Nollag 2021. B’fhéidir go mbeidh do pháiste sna hardranga sa bhliain sin nó fiú ag freastail ar an mheánscoil. Má tá sibh ag iarraidh páirt a ghlacadh agus time capsule a cheannach, Is féidir libh €6 a chuir isteach sa phóca airgead buí agus seolaigí ar ais é go dtí an scoil roimh an Chéadaoin 8 Márta 2016. Le Meas Páistí Rang a 6 |
The Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP) is a 10 - 16 week entrepreneurial education programme for primary school pupils. The not-for-profit programme is led by Jerry Kennelly (founder & CEO of Tweak.com) in association with academic partner, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. Developed in Ireland. The principles of the Primary School Curriculum are embedded in JEP utilising an integrated teaching and project-based approach to teach many strands of the curriculum.
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