Bunaíodh Comhairle na ndaltaí sa scoil roimh an Nollag chun tacú le forbairt agus dul chun cinn ár scoil.
Tá comhairle na ndaltaí ann chun smaointí na ndaltaí a chur faoi bhráid na bainistíochta, le dul i gcomhairle leo sula gcuirtear polasaithe nua i bhfeidhm, chun tacú le polasaithe nua a fhorbairt sa scoil, le bheith mar áis chun oibriú i gcomhpháirtíocht le bainistíocht na scoile, chun atmaisféar, coinníollacha agus áiseanna na scoile a fheabhsú, chun dalta a spreagadh le bheith
freagrach, muiníneach agus aireach, chun meas, dílseacht agus bród na ndaltaí sa scoil a chothú agus chun dea-chaidreamh a dhéanamh idir dhaltaí, an fhoireann agus an bhainistíocht.
Cabhraíonn siad le scaipeadh eolais i measc phobal na scoile, idir dhaltaí, fhoireann agus thuismitheoirí.
Ghlac daltaí rang 3, 4, 5 & 6 páirt ann. Toghadh na daltaí seo a leanas chun ionadaíocht a dhéanamh ar an Chomhairle 2013/2014
Layla & Tadhg (Rang a 3)
Kelly & Lucas (Rang a 4)
Jada & Tomás (Rang a 5)
Saoirse & Gavin (Rang a 6)
Student Council
Comhairle na ndaltaí was founded before Christmas to support the development and progression of our school.
Comhairle na ndaltaí makes management aware of students' ideas and thoughts, is involved in the development and implementation of policies, works in partnership with the school management in order to preserve and promote the atmosphere, conditions and improve facilities, encourages students to be responsible and confident, it promotes the students respect, loyalty and pride in the school and furthers good relationships between students, staff and management.
Comhairle na ndaltaí helps in the distribution of information in the school community, between students, staff and parents.
Pupils from 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th took part in the process. We had lots of candidates and each one gave a speech in class before the election. The following pupils were elected to represent their peers on the 2013/2014 Student Council
Layla & Tadhg (Rang a 3)
Kelly & Lucas (Rang a 4)
Jada & Tomás (Rang a 5)
Saoirse & Gavin (Rang a 6)
Tá comhairle na ndaltaí ann chun smaointí na ndaltaí a chur faoi bhráid na bainistíochta, le dul i gcomhairle leo sula gcuirtear polasaithe nua i bhfeidhm, chun tacú le polasaithe nua a fhorbairt sa scoil, le bheith mar áis chun oibriú i gcomhpháirtíocht le bainistíocht na scoile, chun atmaisféar, coinníollacha agus áiseanna na scoile a fheabhsú, chun dalta a spreagadh le bheith
freagrach, muiníneach agus aireach, chun meas, dílseacht agus bród na ndaltaí sa scoil a chothú agus chun dea-chaidreamh a dhéanamh idir dhaltaí, an fhoireann agus an bhainistíocht.
Cabhraíonn siad le scaipeadh eolais i measc phobal na scoile, idir dhaltaí, fhoireann agus thuismitheoirí.
Ghlac daltaí rang 3, 4, 5 & 6 páirt ann. Toghadh na daltaí seo a leanas chun ionadaíocht a dhéanamh ar an Chomhairle 2013/2014
Layla & Tadhg (Rang a 3)
Kelly & Lucas (Rang a 4)
Jada & Tomás (Rang a 5)
Saoirse & Gavin (Rang a 6)
Student Council
Comhairle na ndaltaí was founded before Christmas to support the development and progression of our school.
Comhairle na ndaltaí makes management aware of students' ideas and thoughts, is involved in the development and implementation of policies, works in partnership with the school management in order to preserve and promote the atmosphere, conditions and improve facilities, encourages students to be responsible and confident, it promotes the students respect, loyalty and pride in the school and furthers good relationships between students, staff and management.
Comhairle na ndaltaí helps in the distribution of information in the school community, between students, staff and parents.
Pupils from 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th took part in the process. We had lots of candidates and each one gave a speech in class before the election. The following pupils were elected to represent their peers on the 2013/2014 Student Council
Layla & Tadhg (Rang a 3)
Kelly & Lucas (Rang a 4)
Jada & Tomás (Rang a 5)
Saoirse & Gavin (Rang a 6)