Comhghairdeas le rang a sé a rinne an cóineartú an Déardaoin seo caite. Bhí an lá againn ag an séipéal agus bhí gach duine ag breathnú go hálainn. Bhí ard mholadh ag an tAthar Ó Chochláin dá ár bpáistí agus na páistí ón dá scoil eile; scoil an tSeachtar Laoch agus Gaelscoil Bhaile Muna.
Go raibh maith agat do gach duine a chabhraigh linn ullmhú don lá agus go speisialta don chór ó scoil an tSeachtar Laoch don cheol aoibhinn i rith an tsearmanais inné.
Congratulations to all the children in sixth class who had their confirmation yesterday. We have a lovely day and everyone was looking great. Fr. Ó Cochláin was full of praise for our children and the children from the other two schools: scoil an tSeachtar Laoch agus Gaelscoil Bhaile Muna.
We would like to thank everyone who helped us prepare for this day and a special word of thanks to the choir for their lovely contribution during the ceremony yesterday.
Go raibh maith agat do gach duine a chabhraigh linn ullmhú don lá agus go speisialta don chór ó scoil an tSeachtar Laoch don cheol aoibhinn i rith an tsearmanais inné.
Congratulations to all the children in sixth class who had their confirmation yesterday. We have a lovely day and everyone was looking great. Fr. Ó Cochláin was full of praise for our children and the children from the other two schools: scoil an tSeachtar Laoch agus Gaelscoil Bhaile Muna.
We would like to thank everyone who helped us prepare for this day and a special word of thanks to the choir for their lovely contribution during the ceremony yesterday.