r4_pp_cruinnithe_tuistí_2021.pdf |
Acmhainní úsáideach do Rang 4 /Useful resources for Rang 4 at home
Acmhainní Ginearálta/General Resources
Edco Learning Pupil resources for programme include: · Skills Books · All readers · Pupil’s digital resources https://www.edcolearning.ie/ Notes: Username: primaryedcobooks Password: edco2020 |

CJ Fallon
Leabhair Scoile ar fad ar líne:
Téigh go FolensOnline.ie
Select Teacher
Líon isteach username, email agus password
For Roll Number use the code: Prim20
Leabhair Scoile ar fad ar líne:
Téigh go FolensOnline.ie
Select Teacher
Líon isteach username, email agus password
For Roll Number use the code: Prim20
Twinkl are offering all parents a one month FREE Ultimate membership to www.twinkl.ie. This will allow parents unlimited access to every single resource for every single curriculum subject. Téigh go dtí: www.twinkl.ie/offer Setting this up is really easy: follow the link and enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS. |
The World Book is a resource offered by the PDST. It is a virtual interactive encylclopedia! Tá gach rud ann! https://www.worldbookonline.com/wb/products?ed=all&gr=Welcome%21 |
An Litríocht/ Literacy
Gaeilge Cód na Gaeilge Seo clár fónaice a úsáideann muid ar scoil. . Tá gníomhaíochtaí cuí ann do gach bliainghrúpa sa chlár – idir ghníomhaíochtaí fisiciúla agus ghníomhaíochtaí 'peann agus páipéar'. Tá cluichí ann atá forbartha ag CCEA le tacú leis an chlár Cód na Gaeilge. Is féidir iad a imirt anseo nó an aip a fháil saor in aisce ón App Store nó ó Google Play. This is a phonics programme that we use in school. There are activites available for all age groups- physical interactive activities and pen and paper activites. There are also games developed by CCEA to help with learning phonics. You can play the games here or download the app for free on the App Store or Google Play. |
Gaeilge Teanga ó Bhéal: Scéal an Lae - TG4 Short stories i nGaeilge read aloud online. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Sc%C3%A9al+an+lae |
Béarla Author David Walliams ( David Walliams wrote Gangsta Granny and Billionaire Boy and is also a judge on Britain's Got Talent!) will read one of his children's story live everyday at 11am. Follow this link: www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses |
Béarla Epic! is an online library which offers over 35000 resources including “Read to Me” books, audiobooks, student tracking, reading level linkage with Accelerated Reader and other reading levelling schemes. It also offers high interest texts such as National Geographic Kids and Guinness Book of Records. It is suitable for children from ages 4-12. https://www.pdst.ie/DistanceLearning/SourcesofInformation#epic |
www.themathsfactor.com Suíomh mata ó Carol Vorderman atá ar fáil faoi láthair saor in aisce. This is a maths site created by Carol Vorderman (Mathematician and former Countdown presenter) that is currently available free of charge. |
Hit the Button is an interactive maths game with quick fire questions on number, bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers. Games are against the clock and develop number fact recall. Designed for 6-11 year olds. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button Notes: A paid app version is available from Apple/Google Play/Amazon but the web browser version is free to use. |
SpórtCorpoideachas as Gaeilge! This resource is a set of support materials for the five strands of the physical education curriculum for primary schools. https://pssi.pdst.ie/clickme.html | Eile/Other Ealaín álainn don Fhómhar/ Lovely spring colours All you need is markers and pasta Arts & Crafts: I Am An Artist An excellent Visual Arts guide that runs in conjustion with our Visual Arts curriculum. http://www.iamanartist.ie |