Ar an 6ú Feabhra beidh rang a sé ag glacadh páirt i Searmanas an tSolais anseo sa scoil. Beidh sé ar siúl sa halla ag 3:30 i.n. Beidh an tÁthar Ó Cochlain linn ag ceiliúradh ar an lá. Is é seo searmans a bheas acu roimh an Chomhneartú a bheas ar an 27ú Feabhra. Tá na páistí gnóthach faoi láthair ag foghlaim a bpaidreacha agus ag déanamh ealaíon do lá mór. Tá muid uilig ag tnúth go mór leis agus leis an Chomhneartú féin.
Sixth class will take part in the Ceremony of Light on the 6th February here in the school. It will be held in the school hall at 3:30 p.m. and Fr. Coughlan will be the chief celebrant. This is a ceremony that they will have before their confirmation on the 27th February. At present the children are busy learning their prayers and also busy completing artwork for the big day. We are looking forward to it as well as the confirmation itself.
Sixth class will take part in the Ceremony of Light on the 6th February here in the school. It will be held in the school hall at 3:30 p.m. and Fr. Coughlan will be the chief celebrant. This is a ceremony that they will have before their confirmation on the 27th February. At present the children are busy learning their prayers and also busy completing artwork for the big day. We are looking forward to it as well as the confirmation itself.