Anois teacht an Earraigh tá na bláthanna ag teacht amach agus tá muid ana-shásta. Tá 17 planda faoi bhláth agus tá muid ag súil go mór le na rudaí eile.Chur muid bleibíní chróca buí i Mí Dheireadh Fómhar, i gcuimhneamh ar na milliún go leith páistí Giúdach agus na mílte páiste eile a fuair bás san Uileoscadh.
Now with Spring upon we are delighted that the flowers are coming out on our Crocus plants. We have 17 at the moment and we are really looking forward to the rest blooming.
We planted yellow Crocus bulbs in October in memory of the one and a half million Jewish children and thousands of other children who died in the Holocaust.
Now with Spring upon we are delighted that the flowers are coming out on our Crocus plants. We have 17 at the moment and we are really looking forward to the rest blooming.
We planted yellow Crocus bulbs in October in memory of the one and a half million Jewish children and thousands of other children who died in the Holocaust.