Tá páistí rang a haon ag déanamh deachtú i mBéarla ón 13ú de mhí Eanáir. Faighann na páistí abairtí bunaithe ar scéim deachtú a chuireann béim ar na focail coitianta a úsáidtear i scríbhneoireacht an Bhéarla. Faigheann na páistí ocht bhfocal le foghlaim a fuair siad mícheart in sna habairtí a tugadh dóibh. Nuair a fhaigheann siad gach ceann ceart beidh siad ag dul ar aghaidh do dtí focail ón liosta ‘dolch’ le haghaidh litriú. Beidh orthu a n-abairtí féin a scríobh ansin ag úsáid na bhfocal.
On the 13th on January, first class began dictation in English. Each week the children will be asked to write sentences from a dictation scheme based on frequently used English words. The children will get eight words to learn which they had incorrect. If the child gets each word correct in their initial test they will receive words from the ‘dolch list’ for their English spelling. They will be asked to write their own sentences for homework using these words.
On the 13th on January, first class began dictation in English. Each week the children will be asked to write sentences from a dictation scheme based on frequently used English words. The children will get eight words to learn which they had incorrect. If the child gets each word correct in their initial test they will receive words from the ‘dolch list’ for their English spelling. They will be asked to write their own sentences for homework using these words.