Comhghairdeas le na tuismitheoirí uilig a bhí bainteach leis an bhfeachtas seo agus a throid ar son an maor tráchta a fháil don scoil. Gabhann muid buíochas chomh maith leis an comhairleoir Cathleen Carney Boud ó pháirtí Shinn Féin a chuidigh go mór leis an gcás seo.
Guíonn muid ádh mór ar Dheirdre ina post nua.
Congratulations to all the parents who were involved in the campaign and who fought to have a traffic warden for the school. We would also like to thank councillor Cathleen Carney Boud of Sinn Féin who passed a motion at the Transport Committee that helped put this in place.
We wish Deirdre well in her new job.