Páistí na Scoile, An Fhoireann, An Bord Bainistíochta, Coiste na dTuistí, Bráithre De La Salle, National Support Services (Ár glantóirí), Gaelscoileanna Teo., Foras Pátrúnachta na Scoileanna Lánghaeilge, Muintir Uí Mhaoláin, Muintir Mhic Eoin, Susan Madden, Oakleaf Kitchens & Bedrooms, An tAthair Ó Cochláin, thar ceann an Pharóiste
To celebrate our first Christmas in the De La Salle building Gaelscoil Uí Earcáin received a crib as a Christmas present. We are grateful to the school community for sponsoring this special gift. A special note of thanks to the following groups for helping to make this possible:
Children of the school, The staff, The Board of Management, Coiste na dTuistí, The De La Salle brothers, National Support Services (Our cleaning company), Gaelscoileanna Teo., Foras Pátrúnachta na Scoileanna Lánghaeilge, Muintir Uí Mhaoláin, Muintir McKeon, Susan Madden, Oakleaf Kitchens & Bedrooms, An tAthair Ó Cochláin, thar ceann an Pharóiste